LGBT+ History Month 2022

February is LGBT+ History Month in the UK, a brilliant opportunity to promote equality and diversity. 2022 marks 50 years since the first Pride March took place in the UK and in recognition of this historic milestone, this year’s theme has an art focus, celebrating the many LGBT+ artists whose work was both politically trailblazing and visually pleasing. There are lots of brilliant resources available for primary and secondary on both the Schools Out UK website just here (click) and the Proud Trust’s page just here (click), and below are a few LGBT+ related books we think are worth sharing with your young people this month:

  • Proud of Me by Sarah Hagger-Holt

A heartfelt story about two teenagers struggling to come to terms with understanding themselves and their complex relationships with their friends and families.

(Usborne, £6.99 paperback, ISBN 9781474966245)

  • The Pirate Mums by Jodie Lancet-Grant, illustrated by Lydia Corry

Billy doesn’t come from a normal household and sometimes he wishes his Mums were just like everyone else’s- that is until their unique pirate-y talents are needed when peril is afoot!
This is a lovely picture book about acceptance and difference, and realising that sometimes what makes us stand out is also what makes us so great.

(Oxford University Press, £6.99 paperback, ISBN 9780192777799)

  • I am NOT a Prince! by Rachael Davis, illustrated by Beatrix Hatcher

Hopp the Frog is SO SICK of being told that they should be a Prince that it sends them on a journey of self-discovery across the fairy tale lagoon to find out exactly what they DO want to be!
This is a lovely challenge to conventional gender roles with an overarching message that the most important thing in life is to stay true to ourselves.

(Orchard Books, £12.99 hardback, ISBN 9781408362259)

  • An ABC of Families by Abbey Williams, illustrated by Paulina Morgan

A bright and inclusive look at the different kinds of families; big, small, blended, two dads- they’re all great!
(Frances Lincoln, £6.99 paperback, ISBN 9780711276741)

  • Have Pride: an Inspirational History of the LGBTQ+ Movement by Stella Caldwell

A lovely, illustrated history of the LGBTQ+ movement across the world, stretching back through history and up to the present day. As well as including informative profiles of significant LGBTQ+ figures, there are also messages and words of hope from young members of the community explaining their own reasons for having pride in who they are. Inspirational stuff!
(Welbeck, £9.99 paperback, ISBN 9781783127016)

You can also find a collection of LGBT+ YA eBooks on the Norfolk Libraries electronic catalogue which would be great for any teenagers; find it here.

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